CABI Trial For ARC-Sudan

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Dear ARC Leaders and Research Scientists,

I am excited to announce The Agriculture Research Corporation (ARC) of the Sudan now has access to a range of CABI products. This access will expire of 17th June, so please use the links and access details below to begin your search.

CAB Abstracts                           

CAB Abstracts is the leading English-language bibliographic information service providing access to the world’s applied life sciences literature. It comes with CABI Full Text, giving users automatic access to over 350,000* journal articles, conference papers and reports (80% of which are not available electronically anywhere else).

Global Health                             

Global Health gives researchers and students unparalleled access to all the world’s relevant public health research and practice – providing knowledge without borders

CAB eBooks                              

The CAB eBooks Front File contains over 120 books (over 2,400 chapters), and is updated with new titles throughout the year. In addition, CAB eBooks operates alongside CAB Abstracts – CABI’s leading abstracts database – providing rich indexing and search tools.

The Compendia Collection:

Animal Health & Production  


Crop Protection                        


Since the launch of CABI’s first Compendia in 1994 our critically-acclaimed compendia products have been making a difference to people’s work across the world, by bringing together a vast selection of information into one place. The Compendia combine indexed information of all scientific research, detailed datasheets, images and much more.

CABI offer a range of training and support materials as well:

Should you need any details about accessibility to these invaluable resources, please contact:

Mrs. Ahlam Ismail Musa

Head Librarian, Central Library ARC

AGRIS Resource Center of the Sudan

Coordinator, Sudan National Agricultural Information Network (SNAIN) P. O. Box 126, Wad Medani, Sudan

Tel.: +249-511-842226

Mob.: +249912411839 – +249123016738

Fax: +249-511-843213



Skype: ahlam.musa

2 thoughts on “CABI Trial For ARC-Sudan

  1. Prof. Elasha A. Elasha

    Thanks a lot for your quest to improve the Central Library and the agricultural Information Systems Center. I wish you success. I think you also may need to think about the scientific information of Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research of how we could make use of it to the maximum through this system?.

    1. Ahlam Ismail Musa

      Dear Prof. Elasha,
      Thanks a lot for your invaluable comment. I would like to tell you that the Central Library (ARC) work endeavor to develop the Agricultural Research Corporation (ARC) Institutional Repository (IR) and find highly appreciated support and encouragement from the higher administration and partners. We have linked the institutional repository to the Central Library website at the URL:

      We have developed special search interface to the ARC Sudan Journal of Agricultural Research (SJAR) at the ARC Institutional Repository at the URL:

      We will meet you soon to discuss copyright issue and collaboration to make the ARC scientific journal accessible to the institutional repository and highly appreciated your initiative and support.
      Thanks again with best regards.
      Sincerely yours,


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